Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Kamis, 26 Januari 2017


         Pendaftaran peserta didik
1.       Waktu dan tempat pendaftaran
·         Mendaftaran dimulai bulan Februari 2017
·         Tempat pendaftaran :
                        SMK IT Taruna Nusantara
                        Jl. Darma kusuma no. 165 link ketileng barat kota cilegon
b.      Jl. Perumnas Cibeber link cikerut, kota cilegon
·         Care line :    08777 24 000 34 ( MILA ),
                     08780 83 436 16 ( GITA )
30 Januari s.d 6 Maret 2017
Test dan Wawancara
11 Maret 2017
Pengumuman hasil test
25 Maret 2017
daftar ulang (heregistrasi)
25 Maret s.d 11 Maret 2017
Belajar efektif TP.2017/2018
10 Juli 2017
.      Persyaratan
a.      Photocopy ijazah SMP/MTs ( bisa menyusul )
b.      Photocopy SKHUN
c.       Pas Photo 3 x 4 = 2 lembar
d.      NISN dari sekolah asal
e.      Foto copy  akte kelahiran
f.        Foto copy kartu keluarga

g.      Infak pendaftaran Rp. 200.000,-

Saturday, May 16, 2015

kecewa pada MMBC

Pemesanan tiket pesawat sy hari ini harus di CANCEL karena ada kelambatan dari sana nya.. sudah di ikutin semua cara BOOKONG PESAWAT..

berikut langkah2 nya diikutin sesuai buku petunjuk :
1. pilih menu pesawat
2. pilih keberangkatan
3. pilih tujuan
4. pilih tanggal keberangkatan
5. pilih cari tiket
6. pilih penerbangan yang diinginkan
7. maka akan muncul tampilan
8. isi data , lalu klik booking now
9. tunggu loading..

setelah langkah nomor 9 ada tulisan :
" MMBC Airline
proses booking maks 5 menit
terimakasih sudah menunggu
mohon untuk tidak menutup atau memuat ulang halaman ini"

padahal di tulis cuma 5 menit tapi sy menunggu sampai lebih dari 30 menit.. bahkan sy sudah mencoba menghubungi ke orang yang mengajak seminar lewat BBM dan TELP ke TRAVEL orang tersebut tapi juga tidak ada respon yg positif dari dia atau dari travel dia dan akhir nya orang tersebut membatalkan pemesanan tersebut..

kalau kaya gini terus-terusan semua pelanggan sy bisa kabur , masa iya dari sistem tersebut cuma bisa untuk (pulsa listrik , token listrik , tiket kereta) tapi tiket pesawat tidak bisa..

gimana solusi nya..?

- makasih & salam kekecewaan _

Monday, April 7, 2014

tugas1 bahasa inggris2

conversation in English with conjunctive conjunction

One day
Mom   : Will you go with me to the market or you just stay in the home?
Care     : Yes i will goto the market with you, mom
After arriving in the market
Bella    : What you will buy mom?
Mom   : I will buy kitchen materials and food ingredients
Care     : Wow, the price of kitchen materials mom get a discount!
Mom   : Yeahh the price of kitchen materials get a discount so i will buy all of them
Care    : Chilli mom will you buy?
Mom   : I will buy cayenne chilli Because It Feels great spicy but not spicy chilli
Care     : Why buy a mom just some chilli?
Mom   : For chilli price is very expensive
Care     : Mom im very happy shopping inhere, very comfort, cheap, discount bi9g, yet in gin gin market is very expensive
Mom   : Haha i agree with you

tugas1 bahasa inggris2


The term management in Indonesian until now there is no uniformity of definition. Various terms are used, such as management, management, and maintenance of management. To avoid different interpretations, in this paper we use the original term, the "management".

Said management was adopted from English, namely, managing the means to lead and make decisions; and the French language is, which means the art menagement implement and manage. Management does not yet have a standard understanding and universally accepted. Some understanding or definition of management according to some versions are as follows:

Definition of management according to the oxford dictionary

Management is the control and decision-making in the company or similar organization. In the management control process should involve in the activities of a company or organization as well as art requires courage and take a decision.

Definition of management by Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)

Management is the effective use of resources to achieve the objectives of the company or organization with. When we study the management literature, it will be found that the term management contains three terms: first, management as a process; second, management as a collectivity of people who perform management activities; and third, the management as an art (art) and as a science.

According to the first sense, the management as a process, the different definitions given by experts. To show the definition of the color management system according to the first sense, we point out three definitions. In Encyclopaedia of the Social Science said that management is a process by which the implementation of an organized and supervised a particular purpose.

Furthermore, Haimann say that management is the function to achieve something through the activities of others and oversee the efforts of individuals to achieve a common goal. Finally, George R. Terry in his book "Principles Of manjemen" defines that: "Management is a process that distinguishes the planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring by utilizing both a science and an art that can accomplish a predetermined goal" . Which according to George R. Terry that the concept of management is the attainment of the objectives set in advance by the utilization of human resources and other resources. When we look at the three definitions above, it will be immediately apparent that there are three important points in these definitions: first, the presence of the objectives to be achieved; second, the goal is achieved by means of the activities of others; and third, the activities of others it must be guided and supervised. "In the second sense, management is a collectivity of people who perform management activities. So in other words, all those who perform management activities in a particular entity is called management . singular in the sense of (single), called the manager. manager is responsible officials for the implementation of management activities in order to achieve the purpose of the unit he leads with the help of others.

What is the management activity? Management activities in question are the activities or functions performed by each manager. In general, the activities of the manager and the manager's activities are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. This is often referred to as process management, management functions, and some even call management elements.

According to the third sense, management is the art or a science. On this matter there is no uniformity of opinion indeed, a party says that it is the art of management, other groups say that management is a science. Indeed the same second that opinion contains truth. Chester I Barnard in his book The Function of the Executive, management recognizes that it is "art" and also as "science". Similarly, Henry Fayol, Alfin Brown Harold Koontz, Cyril O'Donnell, and George R. Terry assumed that management is a science and an art.

Management as art works to achieve the goals that bring tangible results or benefits, while the functions of management as a science explain the phenomena (symptoms), the events, circumstances, so give explanations.

The element of knowledge is a collection of specific knowledge, as stated by the rules or general statements, and maintained by the various levels of examinations and investigations. Elements of art is to use that knowledge in a particular situation. With experiences such use be innate, roughly a sixth senses, skills that are intuitive. In real life day-to-day management actually perform both functions, ie in addition to tungsi science as well as art.

Noting that the first definition of management as well as the fact that management is a science and an art, then management can be defined as "Management is the art and science of planning, organizing, drafting, direction, and control of resources to achieve the goals that have been set".